Františkov - Museum galerie Starý kravín (4 km)

We would like to invite you for sales EXPOSITION, which is situated in the „Starý Kravín“ in Františkov near Rokytnice nad Jizerou. There are works of photographer Helena Janků, painter Robert Konečný and skulptor Michal Jára.

Paseky nad Jizerou - Memorial of Forgotten Patriots (6 km)

The Memorial of Forgotten Patriots is situated in beautiful countryside with an impressive view of western Giant Mountains and near the church of St. Wenceslas from the end of the 18th century.

Vysoké nad Jizerou - Historical and Geographical Museum (9 km)

The exposition is of a topographic character, but it is very rich and diverse. It shows us the history of the town and surrounding region, life of past generations, their culture, agriculture and crafts, skiing in Vysoké, and local musical and theatrical tradition. One of the main attractions attracting even those who do not visit museums very often is a mechanical creche.

Harrachov - Sklárna Novosad a syn, muzeum skla (12 km)

Harrachov - Ski muzeum (13 km)

Harrachov - Mining Museum (14 km)

The Mining museum and an exhibition adit were opened in March 2003 at the level of the former adit level. In the museum, there are samples of minerals of fluorite deposits, tools and aids used in extraction, maps and photographs documenting the work at local deposit.

The exhibition adit is approximately 1000 m long. It goes through a typical environment of an ore mine and is dusted with grit and illuminated. The average annual temperature is 10 to 12°C. The visitors wear protective helmets and coats, and besides complete mining machine, they will see mine cars, accumulator locomotive, mining loading-machine etc. The guided tour lasts about one hour and the visitors will learn about the work in nowadays non-existent ore mines.

Prohlídka s výkladem průvodce trvá asi jednu hodinu a návštěvníci poznají práci v dnes již neexistujících rudných dolech.

Harrachov - Krkonošské muzeum - expozice Šindelka (14 km)

Poniklá - Muzeum Krkonošských řemesel (13 km)

Poniklá - Tradiční výroba perlí (13 km)

Jilemnice - Museum of the Giant Mountains(19 km)

The Museum of the Giant Mountains was founded in 1891, in connection with first preparations for Nationgraphic Czechoslavic fair in Prague. The first exposition was installed at the turn of the century in a former girl school. Later, the museum moved several times. For a rather long period, it used rooms on the ground floor of the old town hall, and since 1953, it has been residing in former château of the Harrach counts. Biggest contribution to the construction of the museum was made by a former headmaster of girl schools in Jilemnice Jáchym Metelka (1853-1940).

Loukov - Technical Museum (20 km)

This non-traditional museum is situated in Háje nad Jizerou in the local part Loukov approximately 5 km from Semily (direction to Jilemnice, in Loukov to the right over a bridge – first house behind the bridge). Here, the visitors can see a unique motor collection – historical automobiles, motorcycles and their accessories, and also a collection of historical radios. The newest and at the same time the most unique exhibit is a submarine with Czech patent.

Jizerka - Muzeum Jizerských hor (21 km)

Semily - Galerie XY (23 km)

Semily - Muzeum pilníkářství (23 km)

Semily - Museum and the Jizera Region Gallery (23 km)

The museum in Semily documents the upper Jizera Region with focus on ethnography and social-scientific area. Non-traditionally organized ethnographic exposition in the attic of the house consists of painted furniture, objects from Giant-Mountain households, such as folk costumes, urban and rural clothes from the turn of the 19th and 20th century, folk cr?ches, Maizner's and Dolenský's puppets, relics of Giant-Mountain weavers and other craftsmen, and other interesting things. The exposition is continuously supplemented with newly obtained exhibits.

Smržovka - Muzeum obrněné techniky (24 km)

Vrchlabí - Museum of the Giant Mountains (26 km)

This set of three gabled houses is one of the oldest folk buildings in the Giant Mountains, and is a precious relic of original town house-building. Originally, there were five houses with arcades here. During reconstruction of the house No. 222, a pine-wood board with the year 1623 was found.

Radostná - Muzeum drahých kamenů (32 km)

Galerie prof. Miroslava Hrachy - Záhoří (32 km)