Tourist destinations in region
In the surroundings of Rokytnice nad Jizerou you can visit many museums and galleries.
You can visit many observation towers in the surroundings of Rokytnice nad Jizerou.
Churches, Chapels, Monasteries, Tombs and the other interesting Church monuments.
Pančava Waterfall, Mumlava waterfall and the other beautiful waterfalls in the surroundings of Rokytnice nad Jizerou in the Giant Mountains.
The other interesting places which you can visit - harrachov´s microbrewery, mills, statues...
In the surrounding of Rokytnice you find a few castles and ruins.
Châteaux Jilemnice, Vrchlabí, Horní Branná ... all in the surroundings of Rokytnice nad Jizerou.
Zoos in Dvůr Králové (safari) and Liberec are ideal for family trips.
The biggest Dinopark in Poland is just a bit behind the Czech-Polish frontier (24.8 km).