Geographical location

  • Latitude: 50° 43' N
  • Longitude: 15° 26' E
  • Altitude – minimum: 447 m a.s.l. (railway station)
  • Altitude – maximum: 1.417 m a.s.l. (crossing of the trail of Czech-Polish friendship and the trail from the Labe spring)

Cadastral area

(area according to cadastral areas of Rokytnice nad Jizerou)

Dolní Rokytnice nad Jizerou: 1.128 ha
Horní Rokytnice nad Jizerou: 879 ha
Františkov v Krkonoších: 272 ha
Rokytno v Krkonoších: 1.417 ha


(data from 2001)

The highest measured temperature: +33,6 °C
The lowest measured temperature: -20,4 °C

Demography of Rokytnice nad Jizerou

Number of inhabitants

  permanently residing inhabitants women men
according to the last census as per 1.3.2001 3.406 1.689 1.725
as per 1.1.2005 3.265 1.624 1.641


  • as per 30.4.2005: 11.3%
  • The data about unemployment are updated approximately quarterly – see the website of the Employment office in Semily: