• Where no wind is, there are mosquitoes.
  • Where neither wind nor mosquitoes are, then there are hills.
  • When nothing of the above-mentioned happens to you, it will usually start raining or snowing.
  • Since the morning, your child wants to go for a cycling trip; as soon as you are packed and ready to set out, the child decides for another activity.
  • Your child usually wants to go to another place than you.
  • You are always responsible for missing parts of equipment.
  • The map never corresponds with reality.
  • Where the map shows a turning, there is nothing.
  • You will find the turning a couple hundreds metres further. It is not in the map and leads you to a completely different place from the one you need to go to.
  • You are trying to orientate yourself according to the main points, i.e. a stream, a railway track, a border of the wood, and a church.
  • Where the stream is supposed to be, there is the railway track.
  • Where the petrol station is supposed to be, there is a church.
  • When you finally cast aside your shyness and ask the only person far and wide, then s/he definitely does not know the area very well.
  • If you after all happen to run into a local inhabitant, s/he will give you directions in such a complicated way that you will not understand anything.
  • The moment you are definitely and conclusively lost, you start liking it, and you usually find a very nice pub or a beautiful place you would have never found with the map